WebSphere Jython scripting, add the script directory to the import path

If you’re running a script with wsadmin and it tries to import other modules that live in the same directory, you’ll discover another difference between Python and wsadmin. Python will always look for modules in the path that the script was run from. wsadmin won’t. This is kind of annoying if you have a few local import files. Sure, you can always add a directory to the import path via the command line but who ever remembers to do that (and who remembers the syntax)? Since we already have the script path (from fix5), we might as well add it to the import path.

if mainfile:
    mainpath = os.path.dirname(mainfile)
    if mainpath:
        sys.path[:0] = [ os.path.abspath(mainpath) ]

See fix5 for the computation of mainfile. Better yet, download the whole collection from here.